Ultimate Amiga
Ultimate Amiga Emulation => FS-UAE => Installation & Running Help => Topic started by: osiris37 on January 22, 2013, 12:41:04 PM
Hi, I've posted this on the FS-uae thread on EAB but was wondering if anyone here has had any success in mounting a Compact Flash card in FS-UAE using a mac...
Hi I've got an Amiga partitioned CF disk with Workbench 3.0 installed (this was formatted through WINuae and boots natively in my stock os3.0 A1200), I'm trying to follow instructions to mount the drive in FS-UAE as i'd prefer to work on my Mac rather than boot into WINuae in my bootcamp partition, but am falling short of getting it recognised, I don't really understand unix commands through the terminal enough to work out what i need to do, and as i'm afraid i'll likely do some irrepairable damage to my HD. I'm working on a Macbook Pro running 10.7.5.
Basically I was wondering if anyone has done an idiot proof guide for how to this? If not any help you can give will be hugely appreciated
i think the function is a bit young with fs-uae... i confess i havent tried it yet (and probably wont until it's included in the FSUAE Launcher)
... is there nothing about it in the online docs?
Hi Horace, the only thing I've found is on EAB where some guys have actually got it working, unfortunately i'm not savvy/confident enough to work through unix commands in terminal to know what it's doing. Here is a link to the thread... http://eab.abime.net/showthread.php?t=67082
Edit: thanks to Frode and the guys at EAB and an investigation into the FS-eua (plus the realisation that i'm an idiot), i've now sorted it :) Also on the major plus side my trackpad works in FS-uae in OSX which is more than can be said of WINuae in bootcamp! :)