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Author Topic: Site Rules & Code of Conduct  (Read 4145 times)

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Hungry Horace

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Site Rules & Code of Conduct
« on: November 24, 2009, 08:00:30 PM »

We here at Ultimate Amiga want you to have a peaceful and enjoyable time on the forum, and hope to provide with everything and anything Amiga related. We all also like to have a laugh, but we understand that sometimes human beings can't be forced to think the same.

As such, we would like to outline the general code of conduct for the users of this forum, in order to help minimise any unrest which might occur during your visit. Please take some time to read this, and bare this in mind when you post.

My thanks to you all.

Code of Conduct

All users must post appropriately and respectfully.

    * Stick to the topic in discussion, although moderators will split topics that take a divergence, (it happens!) inappropriate posts may be deleted without notification.
    * Post in the correct Forum sections.
    * There is no reason this should be considered an 'adult only' forum. As such, consider if what you are posting is suitable for a child, if it is not then please don't post it!
    * Refrain from posting SECTIONS OF TEXT IN CAPS. This is widely considered shouting, and will be taken in that context if done.

All members must respect the Admin and Moderators wishes.

    * These people keep the site running, out of their own time, and with no reward, so if they ask you to desist from any forum activity, do so or you will be issued with the appropriate warning.

Treat all other members of the forum with respect.

    * Everyone is entitled to an opinion, and everyone is entitled to have a differing or contradicting opinion. However, insults directed at someone for having a differing opinion will be considered flaming and will not be tolerated.
    * All forms of trolling, flaming, baiting or user harassment, either on the forum, or by private message, will not be accepted.

Those users that create multiple accounts for any purpose (especially for trolling or "messing around") will be warned and/or banned.

Banned Topics

The following topics should not be discussed:

    * Political affairs
    * Religion
    * Racism

The reason that they are not allowed is that they nearly always end in flame wars.
Ultimate Amiga is not a platform to force political propaganda and views on other members.

The following is prohibited and any member posting will receive an instant 1 month ban!

    * Pornographic images that are more than topless (this includes animals!!)
    * Images of cruelty towards other people or animals
    * Over-The-Top (e.g. designed to be shocking) images that would be considered offensive
    * Religious/Political images/rants

All members please note that anyone posting child porn of any description or images where the age of the person on the image can not be clarified and that person does not look 18yrs+ then the member responsible will receive a permanent ban and their details passed onto the required authorities!

If you have any doubts about what you are posting, then please don't post it!

Banned Uploads

It is illegal to distribute Kickstart ROMs or Workbench disks (even if modified) as they are still copyrighted.

    * Please do not post links to where to download the ROMs/disks from
    * Please do not attach the ROM in a post
    * Please do not post the source code

Requests for software which is still currently supported/still for sale is not allowed.
    * Distribution of serial numbers, keyfiles (e.g. whdload keyfile etc.) is strictly prohibited.

Also, please do not upload/post music files (mp3, wma, org, wav etc) which can still be purchased.
    * Doing so will result in the topic being locked/closed and the file(s) being deleted.

Distribution of SPS/CAPS image files
    * Please do not ask for SPS (formerly CAPS) releases
    * Please do not respond to messages that ask for SPS (formerly CAPS) releases
    * Any posts that do so, risk being deleted!
    * Please do not attach SPS (formerly CAPS) Images to posts

Warnings & Bans

Site staff will almost always issue warnings before banning forum users, for anybody in breach of any of the above stated rules, with exceptions only in the most severe cases.

The Site operates a 3-strike policy on warnings, after which will follow a ban, to be mutually agreed by staff members, as deemed appropriate for the breaches in place. The ban will default to 1-Month, and be shortened or extended according to any agreement between site staff.

Warnings can and will be issued by any administrator or moderator at their own discretion, usually by Private Message, and all other staff members will be informed. Should the majority of staff be in disagreement with a warning, it will then be retracted and the user notified.
Quote from: KillerGorilla
because winuae is made of code and your amiga is made of stuff

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