Hi there!So how is PSP Slim and PSPUAE going along?I've read some info on this forum, but nothing new. So are there still slowdowns or some other problems?I'm planing on buying PSP Slim (cfs 3.71m33-3) mainly to play different Emulators on it... Amiga included Or would it be wiser to buy PSP Fat?Thanks!
Resolute and IndustriousGrand ruler of the yellow people and the Ultimate Amiga Empire
Thanks a lot Keep up the great work!
I've made a PSP Slim version myself by just simply removing the un-needed crap from the GTA Package.It works on 3.73HX "The latest CF which doesn't support 1.5" (Tested on Fat).Can't upload it though, it has Kickroms, just make it yourself.