what measures do you mean?
and to what end?
err... that THING that often speeded loading?? and the end being... legality / not pissing off people still developing an excellent piece of Amiga software
Also was thinking about diff stuff,
currently we include the Kaillera exe in every pack so that when online it displays the Game name and version on the Server!
It would save alot of space if we simply abandoned this feature and use shortcuts to load the Config somehow
...or had the game name and version load from within the config file (probly need some proper coding here!)
and also a common structure so only 1 rom file needs to be added for each ks version
and have a dir where the user can put there WHDload key and all games that use it can find it there!!
there is a common structiure! kickstarts in in "roms" (named kick31.rom mostly) .uae files in configs etc!
the use of whdload keys whould mean the sharing of a single keyfile, (illegal) and the use of fodlers instead of HDF files, which may potentionally lead to people messing up their files, in turn leading to de-sync.
regarding using a generic winuae-kaillera prog.... this would mean at *least* using the "full" version of the program, which i have found to be unstable, unreliable and much more confusing for the user.
The single-pack methos i think makes it pretty easy to keep on top of, and to save sapace, you need only unpack just thegame you wish to play!
if you want to try messing about with it for an alternative, feel free to do so, and send me your results, however, i dont think its worth the effort mate!