Hi guys, I'm not sure if I should start a new post, or whether to continue to use this post as a topic to address E-UAE keyboard issues in general. Anyway I've been using the March '07 version of E-UAE for a while (the "Intel-only" version crashes on launch) and since I figured out to use Hi-Toro turn on Open GL and remap the fire key it's been running great!
The one big broblem I have though is that the virtual keys sometimes get stuck. The real keys on my keyboard are fine, but in the game after I've been playing for a while (and usually at the worst possible moment) one of the keys will seem to get stuck. The character will suddenly keep moving in one direction, or jumping or whatever. Sometimes I can recover control by pressing the offending key along with other keys and release them in another sequence, but it's usually too late to avoid game doom.
This happens in any game, with my macbook keyboard or my external keyboard, in fullscreen or windowed mode. This one little niggling issue is really quite a showstopper in an otherwise wonderful retro gaming experience. Can anything be done?