ermm.. yes it can be done mathematically. (Don't ask me how!)
I think if you flip the image vertically and horizontally that does the same thing. Look at the extra's manual that came with AMOS - The Creator. I'm sure it's in there.
*checks AMOS Pro manual*
Yes, found it. (I found it by looking up "flipping" in the back index).
Look up commands HREV (Horizontal flip) and VREV (Vertical flip). The BOB versions are found on pages 07.02.10 and 07.02.11
(Edit: HREV BLOCK and VREV BLOCK on page 07.07.04 of the AMOS Pro manual might be a better choice, depending on how you are doing the text/object to be flipped)
Hope that does what you want. I believe in the original AMOS it could be done on sprites, but I don't have time to confirm it. I do know the old way included added some sort of binary to normal Sprite commands, IIRC.