Dear Friend:
I will let someone else asnwer all questions in order, as I cannot.
But i will tell you a little bit about amospro.Is very easy to use and learn.I used amiblitz before and it was impossible for me to make a single program.On the other hand, amospro was easy and been using it for years.Amospro can be installed into a floppy disk and use/boot from a floppy -no HD required-. There are a few books that teach how to make nice games in amospro.
1- amiga gamemakers manual
2- mastering amiga amos
3- amos in action
These books are amazing and not expensive, but I guess you would
have to wait for them on amibay or ebay.
I believe amospro 2.x is already installed into a floppy disk and ready to be used, maybe someone here can help you get a copy.
If you go to aminet online (amiga collection of free software) in the
dev section, there is a huge collection of amos example programs,
all free and very nice for learning.There is also a complete cd called amos PD cd, complete with useful games and examples for using amospro. Again, you would have to wait for them on amibay.
I love amospro very big, I made a couple free games in it, which
you can get on aminet
I tried amiblitz and could not get anything with it.
I tried amospro, and not only was easy to learn and use, i was able
to make my games, plus the learning material is amazing.
If you could get the Amos Pd cd and the books, i assure you will learn to make nice games, and it will be easy to learn.
Good luck !!! and ask where to get amospro 2.x floppy disk.