Thank you so much!! I installed it manually and it works now the compiler 100%.
I have one question about the command Bank To Fast.
I placed the command right after Set Buffer 256. I typed Bank To Fast $C0000. Is that correct? Would that in turn make all the reserve as work and everything else go to Fast or does it require me to have this done right after all the values stored in Chip RAM first then I put them in bank? Like can I assign at the beginning of the program that everything goes to bank right away or it needs to be done when all the values are stored in chip RAM first?
Finally, when I attempt to compile the program using Compiler_Shell I get an error:
Extension not loaded at line 5: >>> JNNNNHNI $C0000" which is pretty much my command "Bank To Fast $C0000".
...I also have another problem. No matter how many times I close Amos it always crashes with Guru meditation when it wants to quit back to desktop. Even if there are no programs opened..this happens right after I loaded the new extension into the program.