Ok, I've done the work refactoring and found that these libraries are incomplete
and don't have the features needed for my App the way it is, I'll have to change the design.
I've got 2 versions done for each of the extensions I tested over the past 2 days.
I found that:
The Intuition Extension doesn't have a Mouse Zone and cannot report back mouse keys at all, it has a "bit" format in the documentation but nothing, it doesn't work, Mouse X/Y is fine. The library is also unstable and will crash a lot, expecially on loops testing the for MouseKey/X/Y/Scancodes - It has a better system to markup the Gui as you can program the menu's etc. but it was not a joy to build to a big thing with it. There is no Xor Screen Copy
The Gui Extension has the features needed but it's "events" system caused me problems, specifically mouse events again - you get a "-11" event for both a mouse down and then again on a mouse up, but not everytime and I'm using "Gui Wait" to wait for these events in a system friendly way - if you try to use this in your logic it will get locked up as the results are inconsitent - it would require too much debugging to get my gadgets working - normal proportional sliders would be ok, but not powerfull enough for what I need. And when opening hires screens sometimes there is jitter on the audio
- the use of GadToolsBox to design the Gui is a good idea, but it's the older version and too "locked in"/difficult to change programatically and I had some difficulty with blanked out menu's as the text and background got stuck the same colour. I fixed it at some point then the problem came back. Basically it took too long and then became unstable. And it doesn't have an Xor Screen Copy command, there is a way around that using an AMOS screen as well, but I've decided to stop working with them for the App in it's current design - I probably have to move away from the custom gadgets and use windows not screens...
I would use the Gui Extension again for something but I would not advise trying to develop a game using it, The Gui Extension is stable, but quirky with the mouse and the events system, but the Intuition Extension proved itself to be too buggy to use.