Due to recent events, Ill feel I have to point this out. Any advertising what so ever is prohibited, if you are found to be posting adverts or trying to push diet pills, then you will be banned for good.
This is non-negotiable, there will be no second chances. As not to be unfair, anything posted regarding, sales of Amiga hardware etc. etc. will be acceptable unless the site admin decide otherwise.
We recently had a case of this happen a few days ago,

, some nasty pron links, thankfully horace caught it and banned the account that posted links. I have since deleted the account and upgraded the captcha for registration as the inbuilt 1 sucked hard.
Sorry if this causes any hastle with registering, but it needed to be done. As an extra measure to protect members, i have stopped the email addresses from being viewed by guests. So if any bots are fishing for email addresses, then they wont get anything.