with a little help from Horace, we discovered that dungeon master Amiga can be run via the keyboard.
I'm presently trying to work on a keymapping config to make the game much better to control.
the game runs fine on 0.70b as the video shows
http://www.youtube.com/user/talos281268the direction buttons on the PSP dont work when set to keys to enable forward, left, right, backward.
(not sure why, because they should do according to this picture)
http://dmweb.free.fr/?q=node/627I have mapped the following so far. (bearing in mind direction buttons on PSP cant be used)
Analogue stick: Mouse (used to move hand cursor in game)
Start: right mouse (used to access characters inventory, access sleep and game save, return to First person view.
Left shoulder: np_4 (used to step left whilst remaining looking forward) (not used to often)
Right shoulder: np_6 (used to step right whilst remaining looking forward) (not used to often)
Triangle Button: np_8 (used to step forward) (used often)
Square Button: del (used to turn left 45 degrees) (used often)
Circle Button: help (used to turn right 45 degrees) (used often)
Cross Button: Left mouse button (used in sync with analogue mouse to activate switches, doors, spell selection
and combat)
the backwards step isn't mapped, it's not really required as long as you use the turn left/right 45 degrees then forward buttons.
you can always save your progress by using the savestate option in PSPUAE.
thanks horace for pointing me towards keyboard controls!