Just thought we should start a thread with copperlist examples and such.
Here's how far I have got so far. Unarchive the LHA file to get to my "Copper_play.AMOS". Simple comment out the appropriate "Goto's" at the start of the file to select which one you want to view (didn't have time to create an option screen). Comment them all out to see the rainbows I created. When it ends you will have to press Escape, Control+C, Control+C and repeat until you get the copper back. Alternatively, scroll to the end of the first copper section (before AMOSCOP:) and add a "End" after the "Copper On" command.
Yes, strangely enough Copper On doesn't switch it back on when you are in AMOS Editor/Direct mode. Only "End" does that, or pressing Control+C when in Direct mode.