I found this package on Aminet today
http://aminet.net/package/dev/amos/BSDSocketlooks like a few nice routines, but i have a couple of queries perhaps you chaps can help with.
Firstly, is that it uses some extension command(s) which I dont have - would anybody be able to identify what extension is used in the A$= .. etc line of the SOCK_OPENSERVER[SPORT] procedure, and/or suggest an alternative command (perhaps something out of AMCAF? it's only a string function) - there are a couple of others futher down, all seemingly string functions, but its hard to fix without knowing what the commands are meant to do.
My second question, is whether anyone has an experience implementing something like this? network coding has never been my thing, but i'm keen to give it a try - i'd imagine that on a practical level, it ends up being like the serial network functions AMOS already has. I'd welcome any hints & tips that can be given here.
The sort of things i can see myself asking early on, in order to implement this into some AMOS games;
- how would you set up host/server and gamelists, so scan for other players?
- Would the above be too complex, and instead it need to be manually entered IP's and just P2P?
- What is the best way to share data between the two copies of the game?
- Do you look to minimise the data sent? If so, how do you ensure the games stay in-sync?
- Is one just updating the other, or is the "load" shared on processing each game cycle?
Lastly, i cant help but ask - would these routines benefit from being implemented as a nice new extension, and how difficult would it be for someone to make that extension with this already available?
advice appreciated.