This is a simple summary of ClassicAMOS Base requirement decisions derived from the current discussions.
High Priority:
Code Review:
Separation of code into documentation/bug fixing tasks.
Known bugs lists to be compiled into one resource document.
AGA Support:
Integrated into AMOS libraries.
Documentation of AGA architecture and separation of architectural features to be implemented into target AMOS libraries.
Collate as much AGA documentation and references as possible.
AGA features can be implemented as an extension for experimental purposes and later added to the core.
Low Priority:
TOME Re-Development.
Separate project (Extension only). AGA support should be added as a requirement. Software to be resourced and code documented.
AMOS Editor workbench window:
Possibly a fixed-size window, 'floating' window will not be implemented. Implemented only when all high priority features are complete, will be re-reviewed at that stage.
AMOS Pro Tutor Project:
Will be implemented as and when MadAngus learns enough.