Apologies for taking a while to reply - we've got some tradies digging up the front yard to put new (not clay!) stormwater drainage in before winter really hits. So I've been a bit distracted for a few days .
There's not much to stop us adding a few 'essential' instructions into a future AMOSPro.Lib. I now understand what needs to be added to get the 'fast' interpreter binary file rebuilt when new instructions are added. That's the incbin file in the source. It's a binary of those end-of-line comments against each token.
Size is no real problem despite the 16-bit restrictions on Rbcc relocation branches. It just needs careful planning
Whether these linked list instructions are worth the trouble is debatable. I would prefer next and prior pointers and binary tree support for sorted lists.
We also need some easy way for AMOS programmers to define data structures to make linked lists really useful. Something like a 'record' data type with definable 'fields' maybe.
Interesting food for thought. Now back to bugs and the (now enormous and growing!) help file...