0D8B0 (Atari:: 216F6)
calculates an offset by given x and y to the next pixelblockdata-border to the left
used by drawing routines to determine the location to begin with
input: D4.w = x, D5.w = y
output: D0.w
result gives an (screen)offset in bytes
for the Amiga the result is aligned to the next byteborder to the left:
D0.w = (320 * y + x) / 8
for the Atari the result is aligned to the next pixelblock to the left:
D0.w = V_SCREEN_BYTES_PER_LINE(160) * y + ((x / 2) & 0xf8)
0D7E0 (2180A)
draws a horizontal line into the framebuffer
input: D4.w = x, D5.w = y, D3.hiw = width, D3.b = color
Note: substract 1 from your wanted width...
uses (exclusive) readonly data_hline (0D7D8) 4 words, Amiga only
0D760 (217B6)
BW_blit_vertical line
draws a vertical line into the framebuffer
input: D4.w = x, D5.w = y, D3.hiw = height, D3.b = color
Note: substract 1 from your wanted height...
0D730 (21786)
draws a frame into the framebuffer
input: D4.w = x, D5.w = y, D4.hiw = width, D5.hiw = height, D3.w = color
Note: substract each 1 from your wanted width and height..
0D6E0 (21736)
draws a frame into the framebuffer - this one used during champion selection only
input: D4.w = x, D5.w = y, D4.hiw = width, D5.w = height, D3.w = color, D3hi.w length2
Note: weird parameters, it does:
BW_blit_horizontal_line(x + 1, y, width - 2, color);
BW_blit_horizontal_line(x + 1, y + height, length2, color);
BW_blit_vertical_line(x, y + 1, height - 2, (i8)color);
BW_blit_vertical_line(x + width, y + 1, length2, (i8)color);
0D6C4 (2171A)
draws a filled bar into the framebuffer
input: D4.w = x, D5.w = y, D4.hiw = width, D5.hiw = height, D3.w = color
Note: substract each 1 from your wanted width and height..
0D60C (21596, then 215A2)
input: D0.w = ascii-digit, A0.l = destination
parameter bytes: data_cblitmask0/1/2/3
Note: Amiga uses two different routines to blit a character.
This one blits the damage value into the bitmap for BW_draw_woundflash_digit, excl. subroutine for that.
0D58A (21676)
input: D4.w = x, D5.w = y, D0.b = ascii-digit '0'-'9'
TODO: calls unexplored routine 0A9EC in the end. Some more databytes used
0D51C (2159C, then 215A2)
input: D0.w = character, A0.l = destination
parameter bytes: data_cblitmask0/1/2/3
Note: Amiga uses two different routines to blit a character.
This one draws the character to the screen