Hi everyone,
Just a word to say that FOL and I have decided to make this site a lot 'cleaner'.
By that, I mean, all links to potentially copyrighted game data has been removed.
This includes;
- The entire Amiga Online section of this site, (a now legacy project anyway)
- The WHDLoad 'game packs' for RetroPie (excluding the .uae configuration files)
- All PSPUAE 'RISS' games.
For the latter, even the links in the Downloads section should be gone, but if you find a rogue link on the board, then it will simply download a '0' (zero) KB size file.
This is partly due to the growth in popularity of the WHDload for RetroPie Project, and I would like us to be able to work with the RetroPie team directly providing support on their board (if they want it), rather than simply ducking under the radar.
There are some projects on this site that already have the blessing of the original authors, such as the
Bloodwych Book of Skulls project (via the Bloodwych Facebook group where the original devs are present) and of course
AMOS Professional development which Francois Lionet kindly donated the source code for development of.
Amiga In a Box had copyright files removed long ago, so there should be no issues there either.
All other projects hosted here (such as
PSPUAE itself) are open-source and form part of this great family of sites.
Although this may cause some disappointment to some, I think the fact that the site has a wider visibility now generally can only be seen as a good thing.