Project Name: Serious F1
Type: Formula 1 Racing
Language: AMOS Professional
Team:Skateblind - Concept, Programming, Graphics
Hungry Horace - Concept, Programming, Graphics, Guidance
Mihcael - Car Graphics
Inspiration:Indy Heat
Sensible Software
Concept:I started programming this game after playing Indy Heat with some friends and wanted to create something similar, but with more detail and variety. A few weeks or months later an online friend called Hungry Horace told me about a similar game he wanted to create, which would be a cross between the game Indy Heat, the sport Formula 1 and using a similar style to the game developers Sensible Software. I loved this idea and told him I would like to work together with him on this project. This is how Serious F1 was born.
Aims:Before I had decided to create Serious F1 my aims were to create a top down racing game where you could see the whole track/map on one screen with 32 colours. This was fine for what I was planning, but when me and Horace spoke about how Serious F1 should look, we decided that big race track would be best, but this required 8-way scrolling. I then spent the next few weeks trying to program this, but with the programming language AMOS Professional, it was harder to do than first appeared. I did eventually get a few different types of scrolling working, but none of them were fast enough or smooth enough. We did get an offer from someone to create some code in a different language that would give AMOS Professional the speed boost we needed, but they have been so busy with real life and their own personal projects that it has been put on hold for a while.
This is when I decided to continue with the game but only using a single screen or a limited version of 8-way scrolling. When the game is complete, we will start a second version or sequel of the game with more features and a large 8-way scrolling race track, but it may mean we have to use a faster programming language to create it.
Original version: 
In the next diary I will show some video of the current version and will discuss how we implemented the turning and moving of vehicles. Don't expect much, it is still very basic, but it has some solid foundations to be a great game.

There is a copy of the very first version attached to this post for you to laugh at.

Just extract into a folder in WB and run the program file, it works on an A1200, but should work on most other systems too. Enjoy!