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Author Topic: PSPUAE 0.72 README (17-08-2008)  (Read 21068 times)

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PSPUAE 0.72 README (17-08-2008)
« on: February 23, 2008, 11:14:37 PM »



Homepage = http://www.pspuae.com

PSPUAE EBOOT Graphics & PMF music by Hungry Horace
Enhanced Title pic & Menu Backdrop by Antiriad from EAB Forums
Thanks to Delta191 & Raventyr for testing, wonder where the rest still are, :(
Thanks to Hungry Horace & pspuae.com staff, for all their continued support
Thanks to English Amiga Board (EAB) for hosting our IRC channel (http://www.abime.net)

README Updated by FOL

For support with PSPUAE, please visit our IRC channel #PSPUAE on www.abime.net

Instructions Installation

Checklist of things need to get PSPUAE running
1. PSPUAE (latest Release)
2. The correct PSPUAE version for your Firmware (i.e. 1.50 or CFW_SLIM)
3. A working Amiga Kickstart ROM (Any version, also they CANT be oversized (Amiga Forever))
4. Some .adf files

   Now compatable with all (Homebrew capable) PSP`s

   Alot of running problems can be caused by either corrupt MS or
   read-only files (simply right click folder and untick read-only).

   Also you need atleast a working Kickstart or PSPUAE will fail to work
   Another thing to watch out for, is PSP plugins, some of them cause alot
   of Homebrew not to work. We have come across this before.
   It seems that the 1.50 Kernel doesnt like the error message system,
   so if your using the 1.50 version, PSPUAE will crash rather than give
   you an error message, this is normal. We recommend using the CFW_SLIM
   version if your on Custom Firmware.

   With the new Cycle Unit option, there is one possible side effect. If you
   have it set to 512 Cycles and load a config that has it set to 256, then
   this may cause PSPUAE to freeze. This shouldnt happen, as we have told it
   to restart PSPUAE if it hits this problem and therefore avoiding the problem

Unzip PSPUAE 0.72.
inside the zip you will find 2 folders called CFW_SLIM and V1.50.

1.50 Firmware Install
Open the V1.50 folder.
Open the PSP folder, Open the GAME folder.
Drag and Drop %__SCE__PSPUAE & __SCE__PSPUAE to the GAME folder of your
MS (normally ms0:PSP\GAME\), See below (typical dir structure).

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)

It may prompt you to Overwrite, click "yes to all".

Slim and Custom Firmware Install
Open the CFW_SLIM folder.
Open the PSP folder, Open the GAME folder.
Drag and Drop the PSPUAE folder to your MS (normally ms0:PSP\GAME\),
See below (typical dir structure).

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)

It may prompt you to Overwrite, click "yes to all".


Using the 1.50 Version (with Custom FirmWare)
Open the V1.50 folder.
Open the PSP folder, Open the GAME folder.
Drag and Drop %__SCE__PSPUAE and __SCE__PSPUAE to the GAME150 folder of your
MS (normally ms0:PSP\GAME150\), See below.

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)

It may prompt you to Overwrite, click "yes to all".

Although V1.00 EBOOT is a FW V1.00 EBOOT, it is untested on PSP FW V1.00, but
it should work.

You will also need to have a VALID Amiga ROM dump file,
you will have to find this yourself.

*NOTE:- If you do not have a Kick.ROM / Working Kick.ROM,
then PSPUAE use the next available Kick.ROM from the list below.
If no Kick.ROM is found PSPUAE will then return to the PSP XMB Menu.
If you change to another KickRom while using PSPUAE and its missing,
it will display a message and then continue to use Kick13.rom.

They should be named as follows:-
DONT include the writing in the ( ) when naming your Kick.ROM's.

KickStart 1.0 = kick10.rom (A1000)
KickStart 1.1 = kick11.rom (A1000)
KickStart 1.2 = kick12.rom (A500 - A1000)
KickStart 1.3 = kick13.rom (A500 - A1000 - A2000 - CDTV)
KickStart 2.0 = kick20.rom (A3000)
KickStart 2.04 = kick204.rom (A500+ - A3000)
KickStart 2.05 = kick205.rom (A600HD)
KickStart 3.0 = kick30.rom (A1200 - A4000)
KickStart 3.1 = kick31.rom (A1200 - A4000 - CD32)

These should be placed in the following folder:-

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)

Slim and Custom Firmware
MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)

Custom Firmware (Using 1.50 Version)
MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)

Games for the Amiga Emulator, come in a few formats,
the most popular being .ADF (Amiga Disk Format). These .ADF files must
be placed in the following folder:-

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)

Slim and Custom Firmware
MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)

Custom Firmware (Using 1.50 Version)
MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)

PSPUAE also accepts .zip files, so if you insert (Example: Turrican.zip) then it will
work as if it were Turrican.adf.

Save States
You can Save / Load upto 5 SaveStates, or You can rename the states to what the
Game / Application is (i.e. Lotus.asf) It will then show in the Load State MENU.
You can also save the state with the name of the .adf in DF0:.

Save states can be found in the following folder:-

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)

Slim and Custom Firmware
MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)

Custom Firmware (Using 1.50 Version)
MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)

You can Save / Load upto 5 options, or You can rename the option files to what the
Amiga Hardware is (i.e. A1200.options) It will then show in the Load Options MENU.
As with states, it will also save as the name of the .adf in DF0:.

*NOTE:- Anything saved as location #1 will override PSPUAE default boot config*

Options can be found in the following folder:-

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)
    |-__SCE__PSPUAE\  OR  |-PSPUAE\ (For Slim and Custom Firmware)

This is the new home for the MENU BackDrop, (Simply turn OFF pic in menu)

BackDrop Pics can be found in the following folder:-

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)
    |-__SCE__PSPUAE\  OR  |-PSPUAE\ (For Slim and Custom Firmware)

This is the new home for the ScreenShots files. Now everytime a screenshot
it will be saved to a folder

Screenshots can be found in the following folder:-

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)
    |-__SCE__PSPUAE\  OR  |-PSPUAE\ (For Slim and Custom Firmware)

Instructions Usage

Navigate to your GAME folder from the PSPsystem MENU.

Now select and press X on PSPUAE 0.72.

It will now boot the kick13.rom by default.

Press select to bring up the option menu.

Once in the options menu select option from the menu and then press X.

Here you can tweak the config of the Emulator
(remember though there is no AGA), set the options up as you want,
then scroll down and press X on "configurations" and either save as diskname in drive or
select "SAVE OPTIONS #1 - 5". You can also select preset Amiga setups, from the
configurations menu.

*NOTE :- Amiga = All Amiga config options (including Sound)
         PSP   = All PSP related options

Go back to root menu, then select and press X on "drives", now select the drive of your
choice "Insert in DF0: ()" or "Insert in DF1:()", select a game from the .adf list and
press X (if you want to remove a disk, select and press X on "empty").

Once all floppys are inserted, return to root menu.
All that is left is to select and press X on "Soft Reset".

**NOTE :- you will have to play around with the config options
to suit your needs. Best to test with no floppies to start, see if it
boots to the ROM screen first.

« Last Edit: August 17, 2008, 10:40:01 AM by FOL »
Resolute and Industrious
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Hungry Horace

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Re: PSPUAE 0.72 README (17-08-2008)
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2011, 07:50:23 PM »

PSPUAE Readme now to be maintained on this article:

Quote from: KillerGorilla
because winuae is made of code and your amiga is made of stuff

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