Right, just to let you all know were we are.
We are almost ready to release PSPUAE 0.71. It just needs testing to make sure all errors / bugs from 0.70 are fixed, and that there are no new bugs.
The current changes look like this;
* Fixed, not saving Frameskip setting (thanks to horace, for making me see the code clearly)
* Added left / right sound DWORD code (from Winuae, fixes sound not outputing correctly)
* Made sound bug from 0.70 into an option, as it gives a speed increase
* Altered Frameskip logic (to help stop frameskip going crazy)
* Altered Official Cycle Unit to improve CPU speed option
* Added Anti-Interpolation sound code (from WinUAE)
* Added Stereo Seperation option
I have also made a new PMF, which is longer and hopefully better than last (56'kers beware, its 2MB).
http://pspuae.condor.serverpro3.com/images/newPMF.gifAs you can see the last image before fade out, was octamed, was trying to see how far i could push pmf in regards to length and audio.