I tried to run it on 5.00m33 and all it said was like 3 files were missing. Please don't ask, I thought it was like a warning that said it might not work properly and skipped through not thinking then got p***ed when it didn't work and deleted it. Think ya could help me out here chris?
Ermmmm, I would if I knew what you were talking about, lol.
Details please, you talking about PSPUAE?
I downloaded .72 version of UAE. It starts all nice with the amiga keyboard Our Past-Our Future screen but then it says ms0:PSP/GAME/PSPUAE/KICKS/KICK13.ROM isn't found 3 different times... I guess thats what made me think that it had 3 missing files when its actually only 1 file.
Our most comment complaint,
. Searches are wonderful, lol.
It basically says it 3 times, due to checking in this sequence;
1, Is Kickstart 1.3 present, if so continue and use it. If not, it will continue to check.
2, Is Kickstart 3.0 present, if so continue and use it. If not, it will continue to check.
3, Is Kickstart 3.1 present, if so continue and use it. If not, it will then boot you back to the PSP XMB.
Reason we cant include it with the Emulator is due to copyright, as the Amiga Kickstart is still being sold by
Amiga Forever.
It also states this clearly in the ReadMe,