I promise to keep you all in the loop from now on, .
well, the good news is, i've managed to make wiiuae compile on Linux.
the bad news is, some problems with joysitck/mouse mappings are still in there.
I know they are fixed on PSPUAE, so perhaps we can work together on a mutual "all e-uae" fix for this. I think some of these problems must be related to my setup on ./configure (where i specified nothing)
faults on original pre-compiles of e-uae i have:
when using d-pad (buttons) the pointer moves in steps.
Left/right do not function at all.
analogue stick mapping does nothing.
constant holding of parallel 3/4 fire buttons (this is still in pspuae!)
faults on wiiuae compiled AND my own compile of e-uae from rc drummond source (probably ./configure needs setting):
non-windowed fullscreen no longer works
crazy sound problems with whitenoise instead of samples.
assigning mouse moves to buttons, they dont seem to work at all.
analgoue stick works now, but in steps.
let me know your thoughts FOL.... i'm currently looking at winuae inputdevice.c and .h , and i'm noticing that its largely the same. (all done by Toni Wilen) Perhaps some of the fixes can just be "dropped in"