Don't know whether anyone has deeply looked into this game but I have been trying out Captive on the PSP, thought I would post a few pointers for anyone else who wants to try it out.
1) You need a formatted save game disk image. When saving you need to change to this disk, then save, wait for flashing screen, change back to the Captive adf and press the right mouse button. The Captive adf will be unusable if you save onto it.
2) Control is a challenge but there is one key step that could make it very playable. That step is being able to move using the keypad for movement (or perhaps even better the directional buttons but that may not be possible). To do this you change the buttons to match the keyboards keypad, for example make X be keypad number 2 to move backwards and [] to be 4 etc. The problem is that when you do that you take several steps backwards rather than just one (unless you hit it exxxxxtremely lightly) and in all likelyhood hit a wall. The same applies for any movement. This is presumably to do with the variable sensitivity of the PSPs keys. Does anyone know a way to fix this sensitivity problem??
3) If mouse movement is controlled not by the analog stick but instead by the D-pad then fighting becomes easier as you can shift directly from right to left accross the "hands" to hit the enemy more easily.
4) Switch whatever is set to be the right mouse button to be the middle mouse button. Personally I set X to be the left mouse button and circle to be the middle mouse button, since I gave up trying to use them for movement.
Currently I have got to the end of the first base and I have to do the nerve racking placing of the explosives into the generators. Running out of the bases will be tough with the imperfect mouse situation. Allocating keys for movement would solve this problem and will make battles later in the game easier to win (as a lot of strafing and turning is necessary to avoid some of the enemy's crazy weaponary).