bjorn, I'd suggest to use the 10.5 cocoa version. It has all features of the native version available. The 10.6 versions are experimental compiles on the newest Mac OS X.
If you want to test on GTK then pick the gtk version available there.
The naming scheme of the versions found there is as follows:
vice-<port=macosx>-<ui>-<supported architecture>-<min macosx version>-<compiler>-<vice release>-<svn revision>-<date of build>
The ui, architecture and, min macosx version are useful to pick a suitable version for you:
ui = user interface with X11/SDL/GTK/Cocoa=native Mac UI
architecture = i386 (32 bit), ppc (32 bit) or x86_64 (64 bit)
min macosx version = 10.4, 10.5, 10.6