@jonno: the TFE/RR Net settings are in "Settings/Resource Inspector". There open "Peripherals/Cartridges/TFE"...
Unfortunately, I just found out that the code is in place but there is a regression opening the adapter... Will have a look
Did you get a chance to investigate?
I am currently using VICE Version 2.2.1-r22394_20100328_trunk - I can navigate to the TFE/RR-NET options in the Resource Inspector, and have the following options set:
Enable: ticked
Interface: en0 (wired ethernet which is plugged in to a switch and is UP according to ifconfig)
RRNet: ticked
To get this far, I also needed to run "sudo chmod 777 /dev/bpf?" otherwise the Vice console would report an error opening /dev/bpf0 and /dev/bpf1
So it looks like the RR-NET emulation is enabled (and the console log reports "TFE: CS8900a rev.D reset" , but when I try and run an RR-NET app, the app fails when looking for an RR-NET.
The code that is checking for the RR-NET is this:
lda #0 ; check magic signature
jsr cs_read_page
cpx #$0e
bne @notfound
cpy #$63
bne @notfound
i.e. it is expecting the first 2 bytes from page 0 in the cs8900a to be $0E $63, the values that are actually returned are $C8 $20
The above code worked fine on the following:
* winvice emulating an RR-NET
* real C64 & Retro Replay & RR-NET
* real C64 & 64NIC+
p.s. - I just tried it in 2.2.2-r22418_20100406_trunk and get same behaviour)