Author Topic: MacVICE  (Read 105024 times)

Offline Pentad

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« Reply #60 on: December 18, 2008, 08:14:35 PM »
Thank you for the reply!!!

I have tried all day to connect to the site via and I keep getting an error.  I used Versions, svnx, and Tortoise (on Windows) with the same error message.  I can grab the source for other projects on different servers but boy am I having trouble with this.

I didn't know if you could double check to make sure SF hasn't done anything to the branch?   I even enlisted some co-workers and none of us were able to connect.

I get this error in svnx:

SVN Error

SVN:  xml Data was not well-formed

In Versions and Tortoise I get this error:

PROPFIND request failed on '/vice-emu/trunk/vice'
PROPFIND of '/vice-emu/trunk/vice': 200 OK (

Thanks for the help!

Offline lallafa

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« Reply #61 on: December 20, 2008, 07:38:34 AM »
Hello fellow MacVICE users!

Christmas is approaching fast, and xmas time is time for presents: Here is the one from me and all others of the VICE Team: VICE 2.1 was released yesterday!

Unfortunately the main site is not updated yet, but you can already download from the Archive:
Or use my local mirror:

Happy Holidays,

Here is the complete NEWS for 2.1:

VICE is the Versatile Commodore Emulator, it emulates the Commodore C64,
C128, VIC20, PET, PLUS4 and the CBM-II, as well as the C64 DTV, and it
runs on Win32, Unix, DOS, RiscOS, OS/2, BeOS, QNX, SkyOS, AmigaOS and
GP2X systems.

VICE is *free* software released under the GNU General Public License,
and as such it comes with full source code.

Most important changes since the last version include:

* Changes in VICE 2.1

** General

- The VICEplus project has been joined with VICE. Thus, x64dtv is now
part of VICE.

- We can be contacted via IRC: #vice-dev on freenode

- Added a more accurate ReSID engine using floating point math (ReSID-FP).

- Added support for the USB HardSID.

- PAL emulation has been rewritten and optimized.

- Fixed the ACIA 6551 emulation. (x64/x128/xcbm2/xpet/xplus4)

- Monitor commands help text is now translated too
(in ports where translation is available at all)

- Monitor IO command now displays IO area even if it is currently
banked out.

- GCR file handling (.G64) issues an error message if the .G64 does not
have the expected structure. Before, VICE just silently ignored such

- IRQ handling fix

** C64/C128 changes

- Fixed the digimax sound generation.

- Added the RR clockport disable functionality at $DF00.0. Allows
to disable the RRnet.

- Improved REU compatibility and timing.

** C64 changes

- Added isepic cartridge emulation.

- Added Double Quick Brown Box cartridge emulation.

** VIC20 changes

- Improved the sound emulation.

- Fixed the lowest note bug.

- Improved VIC emulation (exact in-line color/reverse mode changes).

** C64DTV changes

- New emulator.

** Unix changes

- XRandR fullscreen implemented

- Command line option `-fullscreen' is supposed to do something

- Vsync code imported from win32 (based on openGL extension).
see also doc/openGLsync-howto.txt.

- Vidmode (fullscreen support) is broken and therefore marked as
deprecated. It will be removed in the next release if no-one takes
responsibility to fix the broken code and is willing to maintain the

- PAL Emulation (new implementation, improved speed) should be usable
again (it was broken on certain display depths).

- Log messages are always english.

- Only x11 keymaps will be installed when doing a 'make install'.

- MIDI cartridge emulation for x128, x64 and xvic.

** MS-Windows changes

- Watcom generated executables are more optimized.

- MIDI cartridge emulation for x128, x64 and xvic.

- When specifying the target for the RS232 communication
(Menu Settings/RS232 Settings), the target can be specified by
name now. Before, you had to use the IP address.

- Fixed some minor errors with the RS232 communication via TCP

- RS232 can use real devices now, too.
To use this feature, you have to specify the COM port used in
Settings/RS232 Settings like:
\\.\com1: baud=57600 parity=N data=8 stop=1

The characters after the colon can be used to specify additional
settings for the COM port. The string must have the same form as the
mode command's command-line arguments:

The above example specifies COM1 with a baud rate of 57600, no parity,
8 data bits and 1 stop bit.

Note that the leading \\.\ is used to distinguish between TCP/IP
targets and real devices, thus, you have to use it.

(Sorry, no fancy UI yet.)

- vsid GUI reworked:
* infoline appears only by pressing "I"
* raises process priority. Otherwise, when in background,
looses cpu power and music is not played at correct speed
* drag&drop support; window also gets focus back on drop
* correct display of emulated sid model (when using -keepenv)
* changed colors

- fixed copy function from the VICE monitor window.

** AmigaOS changes

** OS/2 changes

- Fixed 24/32bit display depth problem.

** GP2X changes

- Fixed black screen problem.

- Pause emulation while the menu is open.

- Added experimental support for USB keyboard and joystick.

- Removed vsid.

** Mac OS X changes

- and (Cocoa) are now feature complete
* added flip lists
* added netplay dialog
* added ROM resources
* added video settings dialog
* added record snapshot dialog

- Introduced new control window that replaces old peripherals drawer
* with tape control buttons
* attach/eject buttons for each drive
* drag & drop of disk/tape images

- Introduced Cocoa compile for Mac OS X 10.5 and greater with more features
(see extended Resource Inspector)

- Completely rewritten joystick driver that supports user-definable buttons
for fire and all directions.

- Copy & Paste support for emulator and monitor/log window

- Added x2, x3, x4 view scaling like in Quicktime Player

- Store visibility and size of all windows in user's preferences

- Added Keyset Joystick toggle to quickly disable keyboard joysticks

- Added MIDI support

Offline lallafa

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« Reply #62 on: December 20, 2008, 07:45:39 AM »
@Pentad: Ah, I see the problem... The URL you use is the one for the Web-Frontend for SVN browsing.

The SVN respository URL is:

Offline lallafa

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« Reply #63 on: February 22, 2009, 06:11:07 PM »
A new snapshot is available: 2.1.4-r20243_20090222

* Added OpenCBM support with runtime linkage (use cvs version)
* Moved FFMPEG out of application bundle. Use MacPorts FFMPEG if its available
* Added QuickTime Movie Export
* Mac OS X 10.4 is now a base requirement for all ports
* Fixed Crashes on 10.4 experienced in VICE 2.1 (Sound related)

Offline fuzzy76

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« Reply #64 on: March 27, 2009, 08:06:42 AM »
Can you tell us if there is any plans to get HardSID support into the Mac port? I must admit I have no idea how big of a task this is, but I was just wondering. :) I have been thinking about getting me a HardSID 4U, but as far as I can tell there is no Mac software at all that support it.

Offline grasstust

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« Reply #65 on: March 27, 2009, 01:48:39 PM »
There are still no HardSid drivers for OS X, so I think it will be difficult.

Offline MagerValp

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« Reply #66 on: April 06, 2009, 12:38:24 PM »
  I've been doing a bit of development using vice lately, and I've run into the following bugs:

In the monitor, if you're in assembly mode, you can't exit to the prompt by pressing return - it repeats the last instruction instead.

If you press return too quickly, e.g. by holding it down to repeatedly disassemble, the monitor window loses focus.

Some stray pixels seem to get stuck in the right border when you watch demos with sideborder graphics, and have PAL emulation enabled.

The Alt key tend to get stuck if you go back and forth between vice, its monitor, and other OS X apps. Typing gives PETSCII graphics characters, pressing shift toggles upper/lower case font.

Reading through these I see that they are all really just nitpicks - your vice port is now easily the best one to use :)

Offline lallafa

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« Reply #67 on: April 16, 2009, 05:38:15 PM »
Hi MagerValp,

the monitor issues should all be fixed now (in r20692 I just uploaded).

Can you give me a more detailed description on how to reproduce the ALT key problem?

The snapshot also includes:
* added history in monitor (cursor up/down)
* SDL port now included (requires SDL.framework installed)
* VICE 2.1.9
* more sound fixes

Offline MagerValp

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« Reply #68 on: April 16, 2009, 08:38:42 PM »

Offline lallafa

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« Reply #69 on: April 17, 2009, 11:52:21 AM »
Cool. I built VICE a few hours ago, and that snapshot had lots of problems... most notably autostart doesn't seem to work correctly, I have to type RUN after launching with "open foo.d64".

Ah... I remember... its still an open topic.  :-[ I'll have a look at it.
Anything more causing trouble? Just, post the problem...

* Compilation fails with --enable-memmap, due to an extra comma on line 621 in src/gfxoutputdrv/quicktimedrv.c
* Reset and Monitor buttons are swapped in the CPU JAM requester.

Just fixed in trunk.

Offline MagerValp

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« Reply #70 on: April 17, 2009, 02:50:41 PM »
Anything more causing trouble? Just, post the problem...

Just a crash or two, but I'll let you know what I find - I haven't done any coding for a few days.

Offline lallafa

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« Reply #71 on: April 17, 2009, 03:39:20 PM »
Ah... I remember... its still an open topic.  Embarrassed I'll have a look at it.

Bug fixed.

Please note: autostart doesn't alter True Drive Emulation anymore.
If you want to have the old behaviour then you need to enable the Resource "Autostart/Handle TDE" in the Resource Inspector.

Offline MagerValp

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« Reply #72 on: April 18, 2009, 07:38:51 AM »
Bug fixed.

Confirmed, thanks.

Please note: autostart doesn't alter True Drive Emulation anymore.

Interesting. What's the reasoning behind this change? A fairly obvious side effect is rather slow loading, but that could be fixed by automatically switching to warp mode (like Power64 does), and automatically drop back once PC becomes lower than $E000. I also see that no progress has been made with the long standing bug of TDE being switched off after loading a prg file... :)

BTW, here's my patch to that autodetects the number of CPU cores to speed up the build:

Code: [Select]
Index: build/macosx/
--- build/macosx/ (revision 20706)
+++ build/macosx/ (working copy)
@@ -72,6 +72,11 @@
 echo "  sdk version:  $SDK_VERSION"
+# ----- determine number of CPUs -----
+NUM_CPUS=`hostinfo | grep 'processors are logically available' | awk '{print $1}'`
+echo "$NUM_CPUS processor cores detected"
 # ----- determine build options -----
 echo "----- Determine Build Options -----"
@@ -102,7 +107,7 @@
 # default configure flags
+CONFIGURE_FLAGS="--disable-nls --enable-memmap"
 # check for gtk+ libs
 if [ "$UI_TYPE" = "gtk" ]; then
@@ -233,7 +238,7 @@
     $VICE_SRC/configure --host=$BUILD_ARCH2-apple-darwin $CONFIGURE_FLAGS \
       --x-includes=$BUILD_SDK/usr/X11R6/include --x-libraries=$BUILD_SDK/usr/X11R6/lib
   set +x
-  make 2>&1 | tee build.log
+  make -j $NUM_CPUS 2>&1 | tee build.log
   echo "--- Warnings ---"
   fgrep warning: build.log

Offline lallafa

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« Reply #73 on: April 18, 2009, 07:25:54 PM »
Interesting. What's the reasoning behind this change?

Good point. AFAIK autostart should reduce the state changes done to the emulation on default.

I like the idea with the ROM detection! I already did a first experimental implementation for VICE (r20711). However I am not sure if that works reliable for all cases and emulators. I'd really appreciate if you could test it and give me some input on that.

I also see that no progress has been made with the long standing bug of TDE being switched off after loading a prg file...

PRG loading is currently implemented by mounting the file system where the file resides as a virtual file system on unit 8.
Then the file is loaded and unfortunately the whole unit 8 state is not restored. Its mainly missing because state restoration is not trivial... :/

What I'd prefer here is to have some kind of "DMA" PRG load that directly loads the file into emu RAM without altering unit 8.
That involves setting up a basic load and is heavily system dependent but maybe I'll give it a try with x64...

BTW, here's my patch to that autodetects the number of CPU cores to speed up the build:

Thanks! Added to trunk.

Offline MagerValp

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« Reply #74 on: April 18, 2009, 09:32:28 PM »
Interesting. What's the reasoning behind this change?

Good point. AFAIK autostart should reduce the state changes done to the emulation on default.

That makes sense, yeah. The old autostart method does seem like a rather complex solution to the problem.

I like the idea with the ROM detection! I already did a first experimental implementation for VICE (r20711). However I am not sure if that works reliable for all cases and emulators. I'd really appreciate if you could test it and give me some input on that.

Looking at the code, it's obvious that it'll only work for x64, and it looks like it'd fail if it autostarts code at $c000. On machines with bankswitching (like C128 and Plus/4) how you'd go about it, without adding what I suspect is a fairly costly check in the core CPU emulation.

I also see that no progress has been made with the long standing bug of TDE being switched off after loading a prg file...

PRG loading is currently implemented by mounting the file system where the file resides as a virtual file system on unit 8.
Then the file is loaded and unfortunately the whole unit 8 state is not restored. Its mainly missing because state restoration is not trivial... :/

What I'd prefer here is to have some kind of "DMA" PRG load that directly loads the file into emu RAM without altering unit 8.
That involves setting up a basic load and is heavily system dependent but maybe I'll give it a try with x64...

Just pushing the bytes in there, and adjusting the basic end address seems like a much simpler solution, yeah.