Author Topic: AOS files circa 1990 to Mac OS-X formats  (Read 6313 times)

Offline nebiddle

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AOS files circa 1990 to Mac OS-X formats
« on: April 29, 2010, 06:06:10 PM »
This is the closest list that I could find that might be able to assist me.  I have a box of floppies with files I created on an Amiga 500. They include Word Perfect (I think) documents as well as others. My files date back to 1990. I am a writer and many books I started but never completed are there. My iMac does not have a floppy drive but if my solution is to get an external drive and download some kind of converter file then I will. Or if someone in Montreal is willing to see what they can retrieve with my files I would be so pleased. Renumeration not a problem. Thanks! (I so miss my A500, what a turkey I was to sell it...)

Offline zCRP

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Re: AOS files circa 1990 to Mac OS-X formats
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2010, 08:06:44 PM »
I think the easiest and cheapest solution would be to just get yourself an A500 on ebay, and then look for some solution to get your files off the amiga (serial cable...)

Offline nebiddle

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Re: AOS files circa 1990 to Mac OS-X formats
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2010, 02:15:05 PM »
@zCRP -- I think you are right. Due to RGB monitor port I can connect to the t.v. or something, right? I do not want to have to buy a monitor just for this. One inventive way to transfer the files might be to pop the text into emails and email them to myself. There used to be an Amiga club here in Montreal. I wonder if it is still around? If I can find someone willing to let me at their A500 or other Amiga that might be the easiest. Thanks for responding!