Its been awhile since I first reported on V0.80 BETA.
Its been something like just over a year. Late December 2009.
To be honest, I had problems with tool chain and basically lost some interest.
Im now back to it and will continue where I left off. Luckly I didnt loose the 0.80 Source in server problems last year.
I dumped AGA (may enable for proper release), also FPU code.
Dumping FPU gained around 3 - 4 FPS, it also help improve the slow down of onscreen GFX that some games suffer from.
(I can now play Bubble Bobble with 1 (25) FPS. This is with normal CPU cycles no turbo mode).
Im now looking at P-UAE (A branch off of E-UAE). Gnostic (one of the old PSPUAE devs), has been optimising it alot.
Im going to pull parts of optimisations from that. In the past Gnostics opmisations have gained us speed.
So in a way Gnostic is still helping,
In kernel mode we now have over 32MB on newer PSP's (not PSP-1000's). I posted on wololo forums regarding mem.
Im hoping to make usermode mem more stable by looking at fragmentation.
Could even add cmf's awesome memory code. It would grab smaller chuncks of memory, thereby allowing more mem to be used.
However I dumped this could 3 years ago, due to it slowing the emu down alot. Can only try,
I still need to do alot of work on memory code, to add Z3 mem for PSP's with extra mem.
No news on HDD front apart from I got it to compile and actually boot without crashes, need to debug it more as its not seeing HDD.
This could be why its not crashing. As I said though, its not easy,
I will also try to add as much as the bugfixes P-UAE contains. Hopefully this will help us on the PSP,
I know, people will quote me in places, but you have to understand, I dont think like a coder.
I try things coders would'nt logically think of messing with. This is how PSPUAE has gained the most speed.
I tend to think of ideas, then change to something else. Aslong as the end result is the same, then Im happy,
Anyways, there will be a new release soon.
Slightly off topic
I really wanted to do more work on UAEWii, however I could never get it to compile after last release.
So anyone comming here from the wii forums, all I can do is say Im sorry.
I dont normally say I will do something and never carry it out. Hence I would'nt still be here working on PSPUAE 4 years on.