Thanks for all the replies peoples. Encouraging to know there's some interest out there.
I must apologise once more (it's becoming a habit
) as my last post was
very inaccurate. The program strings in a Resource Bank
are used. It's just that the AMOS Pro manual left that important reference out. The built-in AMOS Pro Help
does get it right and I've included the extra syntax formats as notes in my bookmarked version of the AMOS Pro Manual PDF:
To summarise, all the following are valid syntax. And in the context of the original manual, should be reasonably self-explanatory:
button=Dialog Box(Interface$)
button=Dialog Box(program)
button=Dialog Box(Interface$,value)
button=Dialog Box(program,value)
button=Dialog Box(Interface$,value,parameter$)
button=Dialog Box(program,value,parameter$)
button=Dialog Box(Interface$,value,parameter$,x,y)
button=Dialog Box(program,value,parameter$,x,y)
Dialog Open channel,Interface$
Dialog Open channel,program
Dialog Open channel,Interface$,nvar
Dialog Open channel,program,nvar
Dialog Open channel,Interface$,nvar,buffer
Dialog Open channel,program,nvar,buffer
button=Dialog Run(channel)
button=Dialog Run(channel,label)
button=Dialog Run(channel,label,x,y)where 'program' is the number of a program string in the Resource Bank. I included the Dialog Run variations as it's not obvious that you don't need to specify the x and y parameters to just use the label format.
Looks like it may be worth doing a comparison between the huge text file used by the help system and the manual to get the two in line. Big job but one has to start somewhere (sigh)...
And to MadAngus, I have absolutely no objection to anyone using anything that I post. Heck, I've been plaguerising some kind person's AMOS Pro Manual in PDF format to add the bookmarking and notes
. Hopefully, if enough interest is revived, we should be able to get these docs into really useful formats.
How do I go about posting the quick reference for people to download? It's just about complete. And the first version of the bookmarked manual with notes is ready to go now. Can someone let me know what I have to do?
It's good to see people still wrapped in AMOS. Very different to today's bloatware offerings and so very, very powerful. I'm a committed object-oriented programmer commercially. But I've always found that coders who've never got down to the bare bones (assembler, etc) have no idea what they're doing to precious resources and response times. "Yer have to know what the code's doing to understand how to use it effectively!"
And, finally, those missing commands turned out to be UserInstruction commands defined at the end of the 7k block I was pulling apart. A bit strange as I wouldn't normally expect a language compiled on the fly to use forward references as surely that requires two-passes?
MadAngus! I just had a look at your thread link. Wow! You've been hard at it
. Any help I can give is willingly offered. Good documentation is the cornerstone of any development work in a language. Too often, very useful features are overlooked if they're not explained well. The AMOS Interface system is a good case of this. It's very powerful and not too difficult to use. Explain it right and it
will get used. Hopefully the expander compressor I want to write for the Interface Language (and maybe incorporate into the Resource Bank Maker?) might help. It will take a little while...