The spam flood on was (almost completely) stopped somewhere at the end of 2012. I had to modify the registrationpage to implement barriers against bots creating account (partly through logging and analysing spambot behaviour), customize a spammer delete extention for MediaWiki to mass merge spamaccounts, lock editting of the main page and by adding more filters to the blacklist). Using some SQL queries I found 778 spammeraccounts which I fed into my modified extention to merge those 778 accounts into a single account ('EvilSpammer'). (the original extention merged two accounts, but I wasn't about to clean up all those accounts by hand
). The registration page has been customied to have a few customly coded barriers, some which I havn't found in anti-spam extentions. When these measures fail I'll find other ways to stop those basterds. There are still spam pages to clean up, but they aren't linked on other pages so they aren't a huge problem.