I am mainly looking for help from Lonewolf10, since I have heard he is experienced at creating extensions or hex editing them.
I have had a look at AMOSPRO_TOME.LIB in a hex editor and I think I have figured out most of the commands, but I could not work out some of the symbols and syntax.
Any help on this would be appreciated. I have attached a text file with all the commands I could find, if you know a thing or two about hex editing assembly files, maybe you could double check the commands for me? I have also attached Lonewolf10's text guide on extension creation in case it helps.
There is one part starting at line 410 that describes how variables are defined in ASM and they can be seen when hex editing a function.
E.g. map doI0,0 - 'map do' is the command, the first character afterwards tells AMOS what type of command it is and the rest define the parameters if there are any. So in this case it would be 'map do x,y', which is an instruction(I)
This is what I used from the text file to understand how the definitions work:
"I0,0t0,0" - First Character
I represents instruction (with no result returned)
0 represents command returns numeric result to variable
1 represents command returns floating point number
2 represents command returns a string. Any variables (if any)
that follow are contained in brackets.
V represents reserved variable. Must state type (int, float or string)
Additional Characters
0 represents a numeric variable
1 represents a floating point number
2 represents a string variable
, represents "," (as in Command 3,5)
t represents "to" (as in Command 3,5 TO 3,3)
I am hoping to get a scanned copy of the 80 page manual soon, but until then, this will have to do.