Hi folks, kind of continued a part of the ambitious book work madAngus started, under my source code preservation project. I have a slightly angle though: I ask the authors if they can release their books under creative commons, which solves the problem with that the literature and permission is tied to a specific project or even person. That means I have contacted (again) almost every author madAngus did contact, and a few others too. So far I have been given permissions for a quite a few books, but a slightly different set than madAngus had as of yet:) I also try to contact every Amiga book author I can find, so this is not AMOS-only. I'm not trying to replace madAngus works, but he hasn't been logged in for 5 years plus, so I guess his got other interests now-a-days and really don't care.
My goals:
1) Get a general liberal permission for anyone, for as much Amiga literature I can, under Creative Commons or alike.
2) Host a pdf, in best cases one optimized and one higher res. for archival purposes
3) In best case, also host an online version of the book. This is done by ocr->asciidoc. Asciidoc can be convertehd to many formats, example from the Total Amiga Assembler book. I invite anyone interested in helping out with this.
Note, I have used some scans found in this forum, but have been sure to giving credits both to this forum, and the users involved in scanning.
Who should have credits for creating amos-pro-v2.0-interface-summary-revision3? I guess "brucuncle"?
Site and code repo etc:
https://amigasourcepres.gitlab.io/page/books/amos/Again, I don't intend to duplicate AMOS Factory in any way, It is just that the project of "getting permission for amiga literature" involves AMOS literature also, so there are some overlapping there.