Check line 4541 of
+Lib.s. It's
illegal !
* Charge le fichier
Rbsr L_SaveRegs
move.l Handle(a5),d5
move.l a0,d6
move.w #32767,d7
Rbsr L_IffFormLoad
* Ferme le ficher
I still couldn't get a byte-for-byte match on
AMOSPro.Lib so I checked the differences. After a bit of disassembly and matching with the
+Lib.s source, I found the culprit in that line. It's not in the executable (and I can't see why it would be unless someone was using the
illegal trap vector for some sort of debugging?)
After removal I get an exact match.
So be wary if you can't get an exact byte-for-byte match to the AMOS Pro executables that were distributed as AMOS Pro V2.0. You'll obviously get mismatches if you've been using some patched libraries. But the originals are our yardstick.
I'm checking all the others myself and will publish the results and any corrected sources when completed. Any corrected sources will be commented and have some marker - I'm yet to decide on what searchable string to use for this
There's another which is more obvious. I came across it while figuring out which are the essential files and which are there only for debugging or comparison with sources from previous versions. Again, will publish the list when completed.
+interpreter_config.s lines 127 & 128:
; Liste des 26 extensions
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
EdT 16,<AMOSPro_Music.Lib>
EdT 17,<AMOSPro_Compact.Lib>
EdT 18,<AMOSPro_Request.Lib>
EdT 19,<>
EdT 20,<>
EdT 21,<AMOSPro_IOPorts.Lib>
EdT 22,<>
EdT 23,<>
EdT 24,<>
EdT 25,<>
EdT 26,<>
<AMOSPro_3D.Lib> and
<AMOSPro_Compiler.Lib> entries are missing.
I'm taking this as a priority task as otherwise we all run the risk of distributing bug-fixed executables with built-in bugs
. So expect the results in the next coupl'a days or so (household chores permitting!).