Yeah. I'm still up to my neck in the bug fix phase. (A couple in the AMOS accessory programs Sample_Bank_Maker and Resource_Bank_Maker have cropped up now but already fixed! I expect there may be more... The Help sample programs also have more than a few comments that are misaligned with line number references and a few other mistakes - not critical but confusing! It just all takes a lot of time to put right.) And I've still got a list of minor bugs that I haven't even looked at in any great detail yet. Some of them appear to just be 'the way AMOS expects you to use the commands' rather than outright bugs. The original manual doesn't make some things very clear as to how the instructions should be 'fitted together'. So way down the track that manual's got to be rewritten too. For the time being, I'm pouring that knowledge into the help database. As I should still be able to pull an AMOS Reference Manual out of that, maybe that might be enough.
But, as SamuraiCrow points out, bug fixes first then AGA. I've collected a mass of material on AGA but can't afford to get too involved until this current task is over. If anyone else wants to have a dabble please do. Any input and/or source is very welcome. It
will be a mammoth task in itself as I haven't settled on an architecture yet but, in any case, some major surgery will be required!
I haven't got very far into the compiler and can't yet see any obvious causes for the crash and memory bugs. It will take me a while as a lot of family life (unfortunately tragedies mostly
) has kept me away from spending as much time as I would like on AMOS. But I do check the forum daily from my smartphone, so chat away guys
I have managed to strip out the HD installer and mostly adapted it to checking and installing AMOS V2.10 from a set of floppies.
Note that this is a HD install only! Whilst it may just be possible to run AMOS Pro V2.10 from floppies (as the original install disks do) the size of the help file blows that away from the start. And running AMOS Pro from floppies is a time-consuming way to develop stuff. One advantage is that there's then no need for the kludges to get it all to fit. (E.g. those dummy accessory programs that refer you to a different location. They can now all reside in the Accessories directory.)
So a set of floppies to install to a hard drive is what I'm building.
I've always been a lousy communicator so don't hesitate to give me a nudge if I haven't posted for a while and you want to know where I'm up to.