I suppose if the Double Precision flag is set, it substitutes IEEE double-precision floating point for Motorola fast floating-point soft floats?
That's more or less what happens. That's where I got the idea of using a 'context switcher' to cope with different graphics environments. It involves a bit more than just loading in and opening mathieeedoubbas.library and mathieeedoubtrans.library. The routines have to be switched too. Have a look at the "FSwp" table at the end of the tokens table in +Lib.s, and also at the code in +ILib.s from the Open_MathLibraries label onwards. It involves a bit of swapping back and forth between +Lib.s and +ILib.s to follow the threads. I haven't been into it in any detail myself yet.
You might also have a look at the attached docs in the CSI AMOS thread
here on page 4. With that document I'm only up to the point where the AMOS libraries have been loaded and initialised. What you're asking about comes next and will have to be documented fully when I get to the interpreter and individual instruction sets

I'll be publishing more on CSI AMOS as time goes by. I tend to flit from one task to the other whenever boredom or obfuscation sets in

. So some threads may be dormant for a while but they're not forgotten. I keep putting off finishing the help docs as it's such a big task. But I think I'd be better off concentrating on that until it's complete. Especially as it's now a part of the AMOS V2.10 releases.