Aggh.. Lost my post halfway through.
Ok... so let me remember - firstly, that thanks for all of your hard work mate - very much appreciated!
I had loads of questions but have managed to remove most of them after having a look through it all
I guess the big one is , now that it compiles as the same size, do you think it will all work with data size changes? how confident are you ?
The only real main question i have is over the re-labelling. I have no problem doing this in resource in principle, but it's not overly practical. I tend to get through a lot more by looking through it on my laptop natively as raw text, (and recently opening it up with bit's code beside it).
This helps when maintaining the list of labels on my spreadsheet, as it's much easier to get a group of related labels and compare them to similar groups in other code etc.
There is no problem with me outputing a file in the same layout as your labels.txt though, so how hard would it be to make a Resource Macro which imported new labels in that from?
Simply something like this
Open newlabels.txt
For x=1 to last line of file
Take line X
- get new name
- get offset
Jump to offset
Relabel (assume all referring code is changed to this reference)
save .rs
i had a look at your resouce macro source but i didnt really understand it - i guess there is an editor for it somewhere?
There are VBA macros i'm using in Excel to do things like:
- Update all new labels
- Easy update of a set of Jumptable references into meaningful labels
- List all BW labels not in Bext (and vice versa) to to keep consistency
(where data blocks differ and are not interchangable, i will use the suffix 'ex')
So adding the extra one will be no hassle at all
Sorry BruceUncle - looks like this compiled version doesnt work - it throws up an error at $8916?not only is there no label here, suggesting that we are jumping into a wrong address on Quickstart, but also the code that resides around here doesnt look like what i'm expecting to see. (coincidently , the sound code i've referred to in the other thread)