wow, first, thanks a lot for your great and detailed feedback.
Regarding your answers:
1. Ok. Will try to use for each screen 16 colors. And they should be used as full-screen (320x200 or 320x256).
2. Ok. So as soon as I want to use different palettes, I have to make different banks?!
3. So you mean I can load the 16-Bit graphics in DPaint and save it there with 16 colors for example?
4. In DPaint, they will be loaded and look pretty fine. But in the AMOS object editor, they look wrong.
5. To understand: For example, I open screen 0. There I load an IFF. When I then want to load another IFF, should I do that in another screen or in the same? What is the best for that?
Your answers helped a lot. Thank you for them
1. Excellent! Full screen is typical, and should be just fine.
2. What I'm saying is that each bank has a built in palette that is saved with the bank. You don't have to use that palette though, you can use whatever palette you want. The graphics will be displayed using the screen's palette, always. To make the screen's palette match the saved bank palette, use the Get Sprite/Icon Palette command. Otherwise, just change the color entries manually to whatever you want.
For instance, my son and I have been making a clone of Super Mario Bros. using AMOS. The graphics are all 16 colors and we cut out all the icons/sprites using the object editor. For the first level we use bank's color palette since it matches the first level colors, but for the second level we manually change the colors to a different palette to give it a darker/underground feeling. In both levels we use the exact same object bank and images. If you plan correctly, there is no need to make a separate bank just to change the colors.
3. I don't think DPaint can load 16-bit graphics. I could be wrong, but I think DPaint only loads planar IFF images. Other programs, like Personal Paint can load .png files and then convert them. Otherwise you'll need to convert the images using a third-party tool on the Amiga (like ADPro or
Image Studio) or some other conversion program on the PC side.
4. Are you grabbing all the objects from the same screen or from multiple screens? In the object editor (I think it's in the sprite grabbing screen menu) there is a button that sets the bank's palette to the loaded image's palette, be sure that this button has been used to set the bank palette to the image palette, otherwise the grabbed sprites/icons will use the default palette and will look very strange indeed. If you're using multiple image files to grab from, be sure they all have the same palette, otherwise some grabbed images will look strange rendered in another screen's palette.
5. To save the most memory, you would want to use only one screen and load the IFFs onto only that single screen. But that may not always be the most professional way to do it. If you use two screens, say screen 0 and screen 1, then you load the first image to screen 0 and the second image to screen 1. Then you can use some of AMOS' transition commands like Fade to transition between the screens in a more professional way. Once the transition from screen 0 to screen 1 is done, then load the next screen image to screen 0 (overwriting the previous contents) and then transition from screen 1 to screen 0. The process can be repeated as often as necessary.